

I find I always start with good intentions, but as of late, my follow through has been severely lacking.   Writing here is one such example.   Do I dare commit to a return?  Do I have something worthwhile to say?  I struggle with coming back only to say nothing of importance.

Sunday Surprise

Sometimes the only answer is “Yes!” It was more my auntie’s generosity than the event itself, but the whole evening turned out to be a good time for all.






Painting the Town Purple






This past Thursday, Los Angeles celebrated some local talent.

At the rally, the Kings thanked the fans for 45 years of unwavering support. I know how lucky I am to see my favorite hockey team bring home the Stanley Cup.

GOOoooO Kings!

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Birthday Surprise

What better way to celebrate another year and appreciate your place in the world than to stand among trees thousands of years old?  None, as far as I can tell.

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My move from thirty to thirty-one was timed with the transition from the car to camp at Wishon Campground in Sequoia National Forest.  Even under the darkness of midnight, I knew I couldn’t possibly dream up a better campground.  Trees lined the campsite, its canopy hugging us from above.  Numerous bright stars peaked through the few patches in the trees.  The familiar roar of a nearby river the only song hanging in the air.
Weekenders not due for another two nights, gave the effect that the entire campground was ours alone.

While I do not know the reasons, unlike National Parks, National Forests are dog friendly.  Glorious.  Pure.  And dog friendly.  Go figure.

Trail of 100 Giants.  The Disneyland of all the trails from the trip with $5 parking, a paved trail, and the relatively large crowd getting in the way of otherwise awesome pictures.  A fallen tree breaks the paved trail and does add an element of adventure and rebellion while you cut through the grove to find the paved trail again.

Dome Rock.  A short drive on a dirt path leads you right to a gate warning you of your killing potential.  Although another car was parked, no one was around and it felt like the entire dome was ours to conquer.  You have to really try hard to not appreciate the 360 degree view.  The wind started challenging my balance and even the dare-devil in me who likes to peak over the edges, stayed away (mostly).  After walking back to the car, the owners of the other car were packing up and shared their relief that we weren’t carrying any climbing ropes—one had absent-mindedly thrown an avocado core off the edge.

Stagg Tree.  When driving to this trailhead, it is easy to start second guessing your resources and consider turning around.  Just keep driving through the community of Sequoia Crest.  Follow the signs for Stagg Tree.  Depending on where you look, Stagg Tree is the 5th or 6th largest sequoia in the world.  “Massive” doesn’t begin to describe its scale.

Doyle Trail.  This trail may also be referred to as the Wishon Trail.  The trailhead is within walking distance from the campsite.  Narrow dirt trails traversing the mountainside.  Bushes nipping at your covered (thankfully) ankles.

Random waterfall.  Mother Nature likes to surprise with unexpected gifts.  Awesome views.  Wise towering trees.  Random waterfalls along the road.  Set out and find your own treasure.

Go Kings!


Point and Shoot

I have always been a point and shoot kind of photographer—the compact size and auto features are all I have ever needed.  Call it lazy; I call it smart!

Besides, I am not very gentle with anything technologically advance.  If an object is so advanced and well designed, I am of the belief that it should be able to withstand a hard knock (literally) life, the occasional drop, an absentminded throw into an already cluttered bag.

Yet here I am to tell you, I bought myself a camera.  This news is huge.  To put this in perspective, I moved into my place in 2005 and did not buy a television until late last year.  The fact that within the last year I toyed with the idea of getting a fancy schmancy camera and actually bought one, well, is just short of a miracle.

With all the beautiful scenery I encounter in my travels, it was time to get serious.  More serious than my point and shoot.  Not so serious that I feel like I need to become an expert on photography to operate it.  After a little bit of research and even less price comparisons, I just went over to Costco and bought myself a bundle pack for a Canon EOS Rebel T3i.  Easy.  Just the way I like things to be.

Time to click away!

The Canyon Grand

The sun has been making a hot impression lately and it reminded me that I last wanted to share another traveling adventure…

Cacti.  Lots of it.  I expected cacti in the same way I am sure anyone visiting southern California expects blue skies and sunshine.  As a given regardless of the season.  No other options.  Unless the other options included flat barren desert and a dry super heat.

Other people will be able to blame Hollywood movies and their depiction of California.  Even locals who forget we get “weather” can blame local news networks for always displaying pictures of Catalina Island as the poster child for what southern California looks like.  I have no such scapegoat.  I can’t even begin to explain where I got my ideas of Arizona.

I was happily corrected of my naïveté on a little road trip in March to the Grand Canyon.
Evergreens.  Changing scenery.  Rolling hills.  Gorgeous.

Then I awoke to snow!

Thankfully I was able to see the Grand Canyon before sunset when I first arrived.

The next day there was a storm and complete white out of the canyon.  After a couple pictures, we turned back to enjoy lunch.

Decided to take a chance in the afternoon and we were rewarded with views unparalleled by any picture.  The east trail was ours alone since people seemed to prefer the safety of handrails.



An Observation – 2

Just outside of the open gate, she stood on the bit of grass flanking the sidewalk. Her long brown hair waving in the breeze and her hands shoved deep into her gray hoody sweatshirt pockets reveal the cooler temperature of late afternoon. She continues to stand, patiently waiting for someone–a knight in shining amour, perhaps?  She reacts to any passing car, her gaze instantly falling as each continues on its mysterious journey.  Conspicuously, a pile of luggage mixed with belongings greedily take over the sidewalk to her left. To her right, a toddler switches between jumping along the grass and huddling by the teenage girl. 

An Observation

There he stood, alone surrounded by rows of washers and dryers.  Standing six feet tall, he sported a shirt emblazoned with “Known Associate” while spritzing a cherry red and gray quick dry sport shirt with what one can only assume as stain fighter.  He maintained intent focus for such a mundane task.

A grocery shopping excursion later, there he remained, focus still intact.  Spray bottle still in hand.  Same shirt too.



Another Urban Hike

Get more bang for your buck at the Rose Bowl Flea Market and I’m not just talking merchandise!

Get the same multicultural people watching experience as Disneyland for a remarkably cheaper admission.  A tall lithe hippy in a mid drift with braided dread locks down to her navel.  Giggling babies in front baby carriers.  Boots over skinny jeans mixed with basketball shorts and crocs.  A camera crew recording a flamboyant antique happy person that say things like, “My ideal budget would be limitless because I don’t want to limit myself.”  Families.  Couples.  Older people.  Young.  You get the idea.

And yes, you can grab a churro and slushy lemonade here too.   Unfortunately, I have to be honest; you get the same dodging through crowds and strollers/carts nipping at your heels as Disneyland too.  Still, the flea market is definitely worth hiking a couple hours or more through their maze of “shops.”

I wish I were a more out of box thinker where imagining a suitcase transformed into a side table, for instance, came naturally.  If such were the case, I would see more treasures than clutter.  Or if I had quirky fashion sense, or any fashion sense at all, I am certain the flea market would be a fabulous stop to fill my closet with vintage dresses and military jackets.

Despite my creative limitations, I can see why soon-to-be-brides or DIY’ers would consider the flea market a treasure trove for weddings and projects.  I especially liked looking how vendors set up their merchandise befitting  a magazine spread (I’m kicking myself for not taking better pictures!).  My favorite vendors sold soda crates, danish furniture, old suitcases, and succulents in hanging glass ornaments.

This flea market comes to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California every second Sunday of the month, so plan accordingly!